We speak your language.

A world of excitement and action for our Executive Leisure and Private Client Travellers. 

We create tailored touring opportunities and creative itineraries to events and special sporting occasions throughout the World for our clients. Whether you're following an All Blacks Tour, after access to the Masters in Augusta, or watching the tennis champions in Melbourne, Paris or Wimbledon, we will get you there. We have special access to many international sporting events and our experienced and knowledgeable team will tailor make for you or your group your  personal itinerary.

To discuss your dream sports holiday call our Executive Leisure Team (09-529 3700 Toll free within NZ 0800-508 580) , or your usual personal Private Client Advisor.


To learn more about how ATPI Business World Travel can help you manage your business travel more efficiently, feel free to call or email us for further information.